There is still about a week before the CBA League re-start. According to the requirements, in order to ensure a safe rematch, players must undergo at least three rounds of nucleic acid testing. On June 12, Beijing Shougang players received a new round of nucleic acid testing. The small players Sun Haofeng and Sun Chenran both seemed a little nervous, and they got sick after taking the test. In contrast, Jeremy Lin seemed very relaxed during the examination, and he also naughtily learned how his teammates were sick. Liu Xiaoyu and Zhu Yanxi also seemed very calm.

  It is understood that, according to the arrangement, after arriving at the venue, the players will also conduct another round of nucleic acid detection. After all are qualified, the players will be allowed to participate in the reopened CBA league. (Reporter Li He edited Chi Hanyu)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]