Many different sports academies have resumed their training activities, among them are formal academies that have established and oversee training in international football clubs, led by the Manchester City, Barcelona and Juventus club academies, as they have started receiving players registered within the age groups from 12 to 18 years for training according to safety and prevention controls Approved by the Dubai government, the procedures issued by the Dubai Sports Council, which relate to the number of players in each training session, the continuous sterilization of equipment and the movement of players before, during and after training, and provides all the elements of protection and requirements for protecting players.

A press statement said: “Other international academies are waiting for the green light to return to training as soon as possible if training is permitted for ages under 12, in the forefront of which are academies: Real Madrid, Liverpool, Arsenal, Rome, Manchester United, and others, which include players for the age groups under 12 years, which are the categories that have not been allowed to return to training during the current stage in which training and playing in clubs, official academies and training and fitness centers for the age groups above 12 and under 60 have been permitted, within the governmental instructions and medical and health protection measures followed in The country, where all sports institutions, especially academies, have been informed of the required procedures, and in detail, according to the type of sport and the age groups it includes.

The statement said: «Dubai Sports Council is keen to support and provide all means of success for the academies sector, which includes hundreds of official and private academies accredited, which are linked to sports clubs and sports federations and private sports institutions in which 50 sports are played, foremost of which are football, tennis and basketball» .

"Other international academies are waiting for the green light to return if training is permitted for children under 12 years of age."

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