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Lee Seung-woo, who had a hard season in the Belgian league, is dreaming of recovering by training with soccer dream trees. After the Belgian professional soccer match ended early with Corona 19, Seung-Woo Lee returned home. However, in Korea, training is not easy, and the youth soccer class teaches children to replace training. Seung-Woo Lee spent a lot of time with children and passed on various soccer skills. Seung-Woo Lee has already received military service by winning the Asian Games, but said he would like to take the Tokyo Olympics next year as an opportunity to leap forward. <Sports Mug> will deliver a training scene where the laughter of Lee Seung-Woo and the football dream trees will continue.

(Write / Composition: Jin-Hyung Park / Video coverage: Heung-Ki Kim / Editor: Hyung-Keun Lee)