A first round of testing revealed ten positive cases for the new coronavirus in the clubs of the first and second divisions of Germany, according to the German Football League (DFL), at a time when there is speculation about the possibility of resuming the Bundesliga this month.

In total, 1,724 tests were carried out in the 36 clubs (18 in each division) and 10 of them were positive, says the DFL, which does not reveal the name of the teams where they have been produced or the identity of the people affected. According to the regulations in force in Germany, anyone who has had contact with a positive case must be in isolation for 14 days.

Until now, only Colonia had publicly announced that two players and a physical trainer had tested positive. The other team members were placed in solitary confinement in a hotel and the Rhenish club reported that all of them had tested negative, so they considered that they could proceed to training.

The protocol of isolating people who have been in contact can pose a problem for the resumption of competition, which the DFL hopes to resume in the middle or end of this month.

"For the entire population"

The federal Ministry of the Interior confirmed that football will be no stranger to the rules in force in Germany. "Horst Seehofer stands by what has been said. People who have been in direct contact with a person who has tested positive must enter a quarantine of fourteen days," said Ministry spokesman Steve Alter . "That is a principle that applies to the entire population and there is no reason why it should be different for professional soccer players," added the spokesman.

The protocol proposed by the DFL to retake the championship contemplates that the people who test positive are isolated, but it implies that the rest of the campus can continue training if their tests have given negative. Total isolation of a full club squad for 14 days would seriously threaten the possibility of resuming the season and ending it under new plans.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports
  • Bundesliga
  • soccer

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