Earlier this week, SVT Sport was able to reveal that the Swedish Motor Sports Association's (SBF) board went to San Francisco, USA, during the Indycar finals last fall. All members of the Board except Örjan Eriksson - who declined the trip - are proposed to gain new confidence in the Nomination Committee.

The union's auditor criticized the trip and asked that the board not be given discharge.

Monitored by RF

Criticism also has committees and local districts directed at the board. Gothenburg Motor Sports Federation chairman Peter Kurtén told SVT Sport that he thinks the board should leave its seats before the union meeting next week.

Last year, SBF received just over 7.7 million in grants from the Swedish Sports Federation. And before the union meeting, the car association monitors extra.

- It is up to the annual meeting whether to grant discharge. Until then, we are not doing anything active, but we are following the question of what happens at the annual meeting, says Elin Johansson, associate attorney at RF and continues:

- Then we will in no way go in and review the economy, but this is a matter of confidence. After all, there are no suspicions that something criminal should have been committed with the financial statements, but more that the auditor thinks that the board was not careful with the members' money.

How come you are monitoring the SBF?

- We follow all our associations and have quite often representation at annual meetings. But when a union has a challenge, we follow them extra like in this case with the Swedish car sports association.

Criticism is growing

Elin Johansson says that a board in a sports association is not proposed to be given discharge from a traveler. And more local districts are now following Gothenburg when both the Western Motor Sports Association and Mellannorrland's Motor Sports Association announce on Facebook that they are following the auditor's line. At the union meeting, the district's 41 representatives will vote on whether or not the board will be discharged. Gothenburg, Mellannorrland and Västra have a total of twelve votes.

The practice is that members who are not granted discharge will not gain new confidence.

SEE MORE: Motor Sports Association Board criticized for US trip (April 15, 2020)

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The Swedish Motor Sports Association does not receive discharge from the auditor. Photo: Photo Agency