The jumpers, which also included reigning world champion Sam Kendricks, jumped from their gardens, "The Ultimate Garden Clash". The format was 2x15 minutes with a five minute break in between.

When the 30 minutes passed, it was a draw between Duplantis and Lavillenie, 36-36. both missed a jump each. No one thought of this scenario and the rules took shape during the live broadcast of the international athletics federation, World Athletics.

Lavillenie doesn't want to jump on

Duplantis immediately accepted the proposal to jump for another three minutes while Lavillenie threw in the towel.

- No, I don't want to continue. "I am completely exhausted and do not want to take any risks," Lavillenie said while Duplantis jumped in the place of frustration.

After a little negotiation, where Lavillenie was offered the victory for a while as he took his 36th jump slightly ahead of Duplantis, the jumping ended undecided. Duplantis wanted to keep going and was not happy that a time factor suddenly appeared. 

"It was not about who jumped first but it was about the total time," Duplantis stated.

It was a success right around the different competition that captivated viewers around the world. It may be a continuation.

- You will have a chance to take revenge at a later date, Lavillenie promised.