Due to the corona pandemic, competitions and major championships have been moved or canceled and so far only a few top performances have been performed by Swedish athletes.

But the Jerring Prize for 2020 will nevertheless be awarded, writes Radio Sports.

- It's a very special year, it's impossible to come from. But of course we will award a Jerring Prize. We do not doubt that. There are achievements already made, so the Swedish people will be able to appoint a worthy winner, says Radio Sports editor Markus Boger.

There is a risk that there will be fewer candidates than usual and that can also affect the voting process.

- For the most part we have had between 10 and 15 pieces that the people have got to vote for. Now we have at least Armand Duplantis and Linn Svahn given.

- The number of candidates that our jury will wash out this fall can affect the way the voting process is conducted. We usually have different stages when a certain number of candidates are eliminated, before voting.