The 6-year-old Xinjiang child is "supernatural".

  China News Network Client Beijing, April 26 (Xing Rui) In the past few days, a video of a 6-year-old Xinjiang kid playing football has surprised many netizens on the Internet. After reading it, many people exclaimed: "This is a prodigy born out of nowhere!"

  In this video released by the famous footballer Dong Lu, a child wearing a blue jersey and white socks has almost restored the iconic actions of many world stars, whether it is Da Luo ’s “cycling” or Messi The crotch is still outstanding or Cristiano Ronaldo's heel spiking. "Little boy" imitates everything.

The children's extraordinary movements flow through the clouds.

  What is commendable is that these fake moves are accomplished in one go, the children's style is gorgeous and sophisticated, and the movement rhythm is coordinated and reasonable. Even if the opponent beside him is taller than him, he can't steal the ball from his feet.

Imitate Messi wearing crotch.

  The short one-minute video caused many netizens to applaud and applaud. Many people lamented that this action was so pleasing and pleasing, they also had some expectations: "The future of Chinese football is promising again."

  At the beginning of the reform of Chinese football in the 1990s, the prosperity of the A-A created the first batch of small fans in the professional era, and playing football once became "significant." However, with the decline of the domestic football environment at the turn of the century, the number of children willing to participate in football has gradually decreased. Even in the early years, the selection of some Chinese-style echelons was stretched. The barrenness of Chinese football talents can be seen from this.

  In recent years, with the development of campus football and the rise of football in China, many children have returned to the stadium to chase football-related dreams. However, how many of these children can really carry the banner of Chinese football? The cultivation of football talents is a systematic project, and the achievements achieved in the next few years will also need to be tested after a long period of precipitation in the future.

  A few days ago, the encounter of a boy named Chen Yubo caused a lot of sigh for footballers. In a TV program of a certain TV, the eighth grade (second grade) boy took the stage to give a speech. In front of two family members and full playground students, he wanted to find a "live way" for his football dream.

  However, in the short ten-minute clip of the show, Chen Yubo ’s mother did not “relieve her mouth.” She expressed her support for her son to play football and strengthen her body. Readers who are familiar with the laws of football should know that this has in fact ruined Chen Yubo ’s dream of professional football.

Chen Yubo ’s mother rejected her child ’s football dream.

  Whether it is the long-term "study-oriented" concept or some negative images of Chinese football that affects the determination of parents, in reality, many people do have a variety of views on football. In fact, regardless of the ups and downs of Chinese football, China never lacks children who have football dreams and talents. It's just that these children either passed by with football for various reasons during their growth, or were forced to give up their dreams of football under the pressure of their parents, or they could not get systematic training, resulting in a failure in the end. Escape the tragic fate of "Sheng Zhongyong".

Data Map: A youth training camp. Photo by Liu Xianglin

  There are not many potential stocks in Chinese football. Starting with Li Huayun who debuted in the 1980s, generations of young talents have brought endless hope to the fans. Eighteen years ago, a 6-year-old boy named Zhou Liao was once hailed as a "football prodigy". That year, the Chinese men's football team broke into the World Cup of Japan and South Korea historicly, and this caused a wave of football in China. At the awarding party of the National Football Team, only six years old, Zhou Li used his own ball performance to attract the attention of the then national football coach Milu, who praised him as "the future star of Chinese football." .

  Looking back at the report that year, we learned that Zhou started practicing from the age of two. By the age of six, he can turn 2000 balls in 20 minutes. However, this child, regarded by Milu as the "successor of Chinese football", failed to go further in praise, which was quite disappointing.

  Then, from time to time, a "prodigy" of Chinese football will appear, why not go up?

Data Map: For the training of Evergrande Football School.

  Although football is a collective project, even talented players can't rely on their own efforts to achieve the whole team; not to mention that everyone's growth path and the background of the times are different. Eventually, they have not been able to become the "Optimus of China" It's a pity. For example, Zhou Liao's "Blindness" not only stems from the choice of growth path, but also the inseparable relationship with the impetuous football environment of that era.

  After the national football team successfully entered the World Cup in Japan and South Korea, Chinese football ushered in a decade. In that chaotic football era, some officials, internationals and even referees were involved in fake gambling, and eventually went to jail; many clubs owed wages and management was chaotic, and youth football talent training was uninterested ... Chinese football fell into the lowest point At the time, no one even wanted to broadcast it, which ultimately reduced the trust of the whole society.

The 6-year-old Xinjiang boy turned around.

  In 2012, the black storm in Chinese football came to an end. Under the background of vigorously developing campus football in recent years, with a series of reform measures, the healthy and active image of Chinese football is gradually being reshaped. However, the training system of Chinese football talents is still unreasonable and mature; the concept of "playing football equals unrewarding career" is still deeply ingrained in the minds of parents; the "golden dollar storm" that was set off in the past few years has just been curbed, and I do n’t know when it will be realized Price returns to value ...

  All of the above problems have become obstacles that football teenagers cannot avoid on their way to dreaming. In addition to the amazing talents, their own efforts and the support of their families, the superstar football is born. It is also closely related to the current football environment and youth training system.

  Fortunately, Chen Yubo's encounter caused the attention of the football circle, and some insiders gave pertinent suggestions for his situation. Guizhou Hengfeng Football Club also sent him a trial training invitation. After the program was broadcast, Chen Yubo ’s parents also showed concessions to their children ’s desire to play football.

  Although the little boy in Xinjiang is only 6 years old, he sincerely hopes that he will not have to experience the pain and struggle of Chen Yubo in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football more purely.

  Fortunately, the little boy not only changed his family's views with his performance on the field, but more importantly, he also had a father who also loved football but had to give up because he was blocked by his family. Support.

  The father said that every boy has his own football dream and hopes that his son can realize his dream on the green field together, but only if he can be healthy and happy. If he can really embark on a career path one day, he hopes to win glory for the country.

No opponent taller than him can steal the ball.

  I still remember Liu Jianhong, a CCTV commentator, who issued the "six questions" after the national football team defeated the World Cup qualifiers. In his view, Chinese football is not up, not a problem of several players, it is everyone's problem, don't complain . "If you are a parent, would you let your children play football", "In fact, it is very simple to change Chinese football, but you are still playing football yourself."

  I believe that with the change in the concept of the whole society and the further emergence of talents, Chinese football will still go up. (Finish)