Sumo wrestlers' first infection Responding while following guidance from health centers April 11 4:05

Following the first outbreak of a new coronavirus among sumo wrestlers, the Japan Sumo Association has decided to respond to other wrestlers in the same room while following the guidance of the health center.

The Japan Sumo Association announced on October 10 that one wrestler under Makuhashita has been infected with the new coronavirus.

The wrestler complained of fever, malaise, cough, breathlessness, and other symptoms, and he has been hospitalized since the 8th of this month at a hospital in Tokyo.

There is no other wrestler complaining of ill health, but there is a risk of infection as the sumo wrestlers are based on the group life of wrestlers in the same building.

Sumo wrestlers in the same room are waiting in the room or at home, and the Sumo Association states that "we will respond appropriately while receiving guidance from the health center."

In response to the situation, the Sumo Association conducted an interview with all rooms on the 10th. As a result, there were no unwell wrestlers in the other rooms at the moment, and the rehearsals were as usual, about 6 days a week. That is going.

"The wrestlers in other rooms are also minimizing outings and contacting their teachers to strengthen their precautionary measures," said Shibatayama, a spokesman for public relations.

On the other hand, the Sumo Association will continue to consider holding a summer venue at Kokugikan in both countries next month, including the holding or cancellation of the event with no spectators due to the rapidly worsening infection status. The policy is to continue.