- It was a bit bizarre because everyone was in place and everything was uploaded and ready. It was strange because in the beginning they had thought of driving without people, which I thought was a healthy decision. Because everyone was there and the damage was already done. Instead, they blew off at the last minute and 700 people in the staff were out and about in a restaurant. It felt like it was getting worse than if we had driven, Felix Rosenqvist tells SVT Sport.

Most coronary falls

The United States has the most confirmed coronary cases in the world with over 80,000 infected and the number of blacks is likely to be high Felix Rosenqvist cannot travel to Monaco either, because he risks not being admitted to the United States when the Indycar season starts.

- It has gone from 0 to 100 here in the US. From the beginning, it felt very safe as they have strict border controls here. But all of a sudden it feels like the United States is one of the worst countries to be in, he says.

Strong debut season

Rosenqvist last year had two second places in Indycar and was rewarded after the season for being this year's rookie.

- Winning a competition is definitely a goal for me. I was close to last season with two second places, but that wasn't really enough. I also hope to be able to participate and fight well ahead in the championship.

Clip: Felix Rosenqvist on deferred Indy 500

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Felix Rosenqvist on deferred Indy 500