Researchers at Stanford University have developed a therapeutic process capable of restoring muscles to their former strengths. Tested on mice, this bite of youth is very promising according to experts.

We may have found the keys to eternal youth. We have just developed a bite of youth capable of rejuvenating our muscles.

Imagine having a product injected into your thighs, knees and calves, and after a few hours, you will find your legs twenty years old. More osteoarthritis, more muscle loss, you can frolic like a toddler.

This is what researchers at Stanford University have succeeded in doing. Not on men, but on rodents. They took a few grandpas and grandmothers. And after injection, they started running again like youngsters. The biological clock of their legs has been like going up for several years.

It's good for mice, but who says it can work on humans?

It turns out that most of their work was done on human cells. They rejuvenated cartilage cells, skin cells, all thanks to a blend of Yamanaka proteins. But in medical research, the protocols are very strict. You can't do tests like that on humans. You must first go through intermediate tests to be sure to avoid the dangers.

In any case, the researchers are so proud of their discovery that they have just created the company Turn Bio. Their goal will not be to develop a youth pill. But rather to find treatments for osteoarthritis, aging heart, or muscle loss. Their study has just been published in the journal Nature and experts agree that it is one of the most promising in the treatment of aging.