The main character himself, who since he came to Norway in 2003 and thereafter has greatly contributed to their great success, says the following to SportExpressen:

- Yes, Daniel Fåhraues (Sweden's length manager) called a while ago and asked if I was interested.

What did you answer?

- That I'm interested. My contract expires now, and I've been thinking about working for a few more years.

So what happens now?

- We will hear again, Daniel will come back with a proposal. But nothing more has happened.

Mathias Fredriksson had the now 64-year-old Perry Olsson as a whaler in 2003 and thinks he would be a great asset to the Swedish whaling team.

- I know there are few shepherds in the world who possess the skills, experience and routine that Perry does. He has done this all his life and been extremely successful. I hope it locks. Having Perry in the Swedish whaling team would be an important puzzle piece in Swedish skiing, says SVT Sport expert Mathias Fredriksson.

Perry Olsson's contract with Norway expires April 30, 2020.