Stina Nilsson has won Olympic gold in sprint and World Championship gold in both sprint relay and relay. But from next season she will try to reach the top of biathlon. Friend and national teammate Charlotte Kalla was startled by the news.

- The news came as a big surprise. Actually, I feel a bit flustered. Stina becomes a biathlete! I didn't think so. I wish Stina all the luck ahead with her new sports challenge with a gun on her back. It will be really exciting to follow her in the biathlon competitions this winter, says Charlotte Kalla to SVT Sport and continues:

- I would like to thank Stina for all the fantastic experiences we shared with the team in the World Cup, the Olympic Games and the World Cup. Especially all the interesting conversations we had in and out of the tracks, Stina is a brave woman.

CLIP: Here Stina Nilsson is practicing biathlon

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Here Stina Nilsson is practicing biathlon Photo: Bildbyrån / SVT