The new corona virus has had devastating consequences in Italy where the number of dead is now up in over 4,000 - more than in any other country.

The hope is that Italian league football will be able to kick off again in early May, but despite the fact that one and a half months remain before it potentially becomes a restart, some clubs will start preparing already next week.

"I don't know how they think"

Cagliari, where Swedish national team goalkeeper Robin Olsen plays, has announced that the team will return to training, albeit in smaller groups, on Monday - and Napoli and Lazio are also reported in Italian media following the same track.

The club's decision is now sharply criticized by former big player Damiano Tommasi, now chairman of the AIC player union.

"Those who are thinking of taking advantage by training their players - I don't know how they think," Tommasi writes on AIC's website and continues:

“I say this without wanting to create controversy, because this is not the right time for it. But training now, two months before the championship continues, is unreasonable. It is also dangerous ”.

All Italian sports are postponed until April 3. Soccer Association chairman Gabriele Gravina hopes that Serie A football will be resumed on May 2 to be played by July.

CLIP: How soccer stars train from home in coronation times (March 15, 2020)

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That's how soccer stars train from home in coronation times Photo: Instagram