Hiroki Sakai gave reassuring news on social networks. - Twitter Hiroki Sakai

Hiroki Sakai took advantage of the interruption of Ligue 1 to have surgery on the left ankle, we learned from OM. The right lateral underwent a small surgery this Tuesday morning at the Juge clinic in Marseille. He left home this afternoon after a successful operation.

こ の 期間 を 利用 し て 長 い 間 痛 め て い た 足 首 を 手術 し ま し た。 改 め て プ レ ー で き る 痛 み の み の 判断 の 難 し し 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実 実
自 分 の 身体 に 感謝 し し っ か り 治 し ま す!

I had an ankle problem that I had been dragging for several months #TeamOM pic.twitter.com/70vwYhIur4

- Hiroki.Sakai 酒井 宏 樹 (@ hi04ro30ki) March 17, 2020

"I had an ankle problem that I had been dragging for several months," said the player, who posted a photo of him on Twitter. He appears very smiling… and his ankle locked in an orthopedic shoe.

Hiroki Sakai will start physiotherapy in two weeks and will be unavailable between six and eight weeks.


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  • Sport
  • Marseille
  • Soccer
  • Injured
  • OM