At noon today, the message came that SHL postponed the playoffs from Saturday to March 24. The league hopes to be able to play the playoffs in front of the crowd.

- I think it is the right decision as it is impossible to play in front of the audience because it is illegal. Playing without an audience is a nightmare scenario, and the question of whether anyone wants it. This is a chance to keep everything alive. Then nobody knows where this is going, and it's no fun situation for anyone, says SVT Sports expert Jonas Andersson.

What do you think it means if you can't play the playoffs in front of an audience?

- In the long run, I don't think it means that much. But in the short term it is obviously very boring as everyone looked forward to the playoffs. At the same time, one should keep a perspective on things as it is, after all, hockey. However, it would affect many financially, and then I do not think of the players, but everyone around who is dependent on hockey as an industry.

Want to beat the ticket record

At the same time as it is not possible to play in front of the public, some clubs have chosen to sell tickets despite the ban.

Björklöven aims to sell 10,000 more tickets on Saturday where the response has been great from the fans. Modo and Luleå have also chosen to make a similar arrangement.

- In such tough situations, the hockey family really shows that you end up with their clubs. It is really wonderful about the supporters and the association activities, says Jonas Andersson.

Here's the chaos in the sport after the corona virus (March 12, 2020)

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Here is the chaos in the sport after the corona virus