Major league open game Reds Akiyama The first hit in two games March 1st 21:43

Shogo Akiyama of Major League Division Reds participated in the open match against Padres on the 29th and hit for the first time in two games.

Akiyama started at the No. 1 Center in the open match against Padres in Goodyear, Arizona on the 29th.

Akiyama played the right pitcher in the first at-bat, the second goro in fastball, the second at-bat against the second left pitcher in no-out first base, and a short goro in the fifth fastball.

In the third at bat five times, the first right pitcher caught a fastball from the third right pitcher in the first out first base shot and hit the center.

This was the first hit in two games for Akiyama, and this game was three hits and one hit.

Akiyama recalled, "If I get one hit, I can be positive. I still hit a little bit with the tip of the bat, but it was good that the ball went up."