The “Drag Race” race that was held Friday evening in Abu Dhabi witnessed a painful accident after one of the drivers, Mohammed Saleh Al-Mahrazi, was subjected to a deterioration of his car after less than one minute to the start of the race, the car split into more than one part, and the driver flies out of the car, after which the police, firefighters and ambulances rush to the driver In an attempt to rescue him, the initial photos showed the driver and car's poor condition, and social media covered the video widely in search of the driver's safety and what was exposed to him.

Emirates Today contacted the driver’s friends after he arrived at the hospital and confirmed his safety from the accident as he only suffered a broken leg, but he is still under observation in the hospital to perform a number of checks. The driver’s friends were also keen to record a video of him while in the hospital where he was keen to communicate with His friends check on him after watching the horror of the accident.