Ligue 2, 27th day: Draw between VAFC and AC Ajaccio on the score of 0-0 - 20 Minutes

The VAFC and AC Ajaccio clashed at the Stade du Hainaut for the 27th day of Ligue 2. The match ended in a goalless draw. In 3-4-2-1, the Guégan team, with Chergui at the forefront, faced the classic Corsican 4-4-2 of Pantaloni.

The referee warned Ntim, Chevalier and Lejeune.

With possession of 50% respectively, AC Ajaccio and VAFC are statistically neutralized.

The VAFC does not change places and remains in 8th position. The draw dropped AC Ajaccio to 3rd place, ahead of Troyes.

VAFC and AC Ajaccio: the next matches

For its next match, the VAFC will face Grenoble at the Stade des Alpes on March 6 at 8 p.m. for the next day. For its part, AC Ajaccio will meet Lorient on March 7 at 3 p.m., at the François-Coty stadium.

All the latest news from Ligue 2 is on our site. You can access the results of Ligue 2 but also follow the evolution of the classification of Ligue 2 at the end of the matches.

The match sheet

VAFC - AC Ajaccio: 0-0 (0-0 at half time)

In Valenciennes (Stade du Hainaut), on February 28, kick-off at 8 p.m.

Coach of AC Ajaccio: Olivier Pantaloni

Composition of AC Ajaccio: Benjamin Leroy (1), Matthieu Huard (23), Cédric Avinel (21), Gédéon Kalulu (2), Mohamed Youssouf (20) (then Kévin Lejeune at the 78th), Mattéo Tramoni (11) (then Alexis Flips at the 78th), Qazim Laçi (10), Mathieu Coutadeur (6), Hugo Cuypers (19) (then Mounaïm El Idrissy at the 81st), Gaëtan Courtet (9), Cyrille Bayala (7)

VAFC Coach: Olivier Guégan

Composition of the VAFC: Jérôme Prior (40), Laurent Dos Santos (28) (then Kévin Cabral at the 69th), Emmanuel Ntim (25), Joeffrey Cuffaut (14), Maxime Spano-Rahou (5), Aly Abeid (2) (then Lilian Brassier at the 46th), Noah Diliberto (33), Julien Masson (13), Malek Chergui (11) (then Gauthier Hein at the 26th), Baptiste Guillaume (18), Teddy Chevalier (9)

Warnings: Ntim (82nd), Chevalier (88th) for VAFC, Lejeune (81st) for AC Ajaccio

No player expelled

  • Ligue 2
  • AC Ajaccio
  • VACF
  • Sport
  • Soccer