Formula 1 testing has just started in Barcelona and Mercedes is creating the sensation with a steering wheel that can sink. The point is to optimize speed in a straight line and in turns. Honda is preparing a consumer version of this system. Others want to use this third dimension to replace the accelerator.

Testing for the new Formula 1 season has just started in Barcelona. The Mercedes team created the surprise with a somewhat special steering wheel that normally turns left and right but which can also pull out and sink.

This flywheel is studied very closely by all competing teams. Because they are currently the fastest Mercedes. There is even a beginning of controversy, one wonders if this system is legal.

So what is this steering wheel doing? It seems that by pushing or pulling on it, you change the inclination of the wheels, which is called camber. As you may have noticed, the front wheels of racing cars are tilted, even when the steering wheel is straight. This allows you to go faster in turns. Problem, it slows down in a straight line.

With this system, the pilot will be able to optimize his speed, either in a curve or in a straight line. Which is pretty clever.

Is that something you could see on Mr Toulemonde's cars?

Yes, because it also allows you to consume less and gain stability when cornering.

Several manufacturers are working on it. Good news, it will be fully automatic. No need to push or pull the steering wheel like a Formula 1 driver. The car will adjust the angle of the wheels on its own, when necessary.

As for the steering wheel that moves on both axes, Honda is thinking about it. Last month, he presented a concept where you push to brake and you pull to accelerate. In fact, his dream is to launch a car without any pedals.