Matilda Plan won the World Cup gold in bandy already as a 19-year-old two years ago, and has also won the World Cup and SM gold with Västerås. She is currently in the middle of the bandy season, with the goal of defending last year's SM gold with Västerås. But at the same time she coaches football with Eskilstuna United, the week is full of workouts and matches in the two sports.

- It is important to take advantage of the rest days you have, and listen to the body a lot. If you are tired then you have to say, and I have still been open to say to both my sports, says Matilda Plan to SVT Sport.

Dream of new SM gold

The gold-edged SM final last year is on the retina when the target sprayer number one in the Swedish bandy now dreams of an equally perfect finish this season. Then it is football that applies: as a center back in the U23 national team, she stands on a springboard against even bigger assignments.

- I could improve almost everything, as adaptations and technology, that I get a little faster in the thought, dare to go into situations and take a little more for me.

How do you feel now, is it just the right decision to end the bandy?

- I really want to invest 100 percent on football and give it an honest try, says Matilda Plan, but also emphasize that you can see it as a break because the bandy is a perfect sport to come back to.

CLIP: The coach: "Full respect for the decision"

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Coach: "Full respect for decision"