Sunday, March 1, Vasaloppet will run for the 96th time and SVT will broadcast live from 07.30 in SVT1.

The program director for the broadcasts is Winterstudios Yvette Hermundstad and this year we will be able to follow the blogger and former program manager for Melodifestival Clara Henry out in the track.

- I've been following the Vasaloppet for all the years since I was a kid and have probably never thought that I should go, but I'm not afraid to take on a challenge so I look forward to it very much. I am a rookie on skis but it will be very fun, says Clara Henry about her task.

Get help from previous ride profile

As a help and companion, Clara has Mattias Svahn who will also report on everything from herding and drinking stops to co-runs and hardships for other riders.

- It will be very exciting to follow Clara Henry in Vasaloppet. Clara has a real challenge ahead of her because she has not skied so much before. With her positive attitude, lovely energy and strong psyche, we believe she can handle the tough challenge, ”says Helena Bäckman , project manager for Vasaloppet .

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The program "In the track with Clara Henry and Mattias Svahn" can be found on SVT Play.

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In the track with Clara Henry and Mattias Svahn Ep.2