Many Swedish supporters had hoped to see Sweden in the semi-finals in Stockholm before this championship. After the loss to Norway it was clear that this would not be the case and the last two matches in the group were without any major sporting significance.

Nilsson best target in Sweden

Today Sweden was set against Iceland in the final match of the championship and despite the championship result being seen as a disappointment, Sweden ended with a seven goal victory, 32-25.

Sweden pulled away in an early three-goal lead and looked to get into the match with a better attitude than the opponents. Thanks to a fine goalkeeping game from Mikael Appelgren and quick feet at Jerry Tollbring, Sweden was able to score many easy counter goals on the Icelanders. At the break, Sweden had a stable seven-goal lead after Andreas Nilsson put up 18-11 with four seconds left of the half.

Just Andreas Nilsson celebrated big triumphs ahead of Sweden. Just as during the entire championship, Nilsson was difficult to get hold of for the Icelandic defense and ended on seven goals and was with the best goal in the Swedish team. Sweden led the most with nine goals in the second half with Iceland able to polish the numbers slightly and the final figures stayed at 32-25.