First place of sumo wrestling Day 10 Masayo and Tokusatsu Ryu 1 defend January 21 19:14

The first place for sumo wrestling is day 10. Masamyo and Tokukatsu Ryu of the flat curtain win, defending one loss, and are at the top of the championship battle.

It is a victory after entering.

Mt. Tochihaki is rolled up in Mt.

Kirima is close to Mt. Kirima.

Tokusatsu Ryu defeated Chiyomaru and won the ninth victory by defeating Tokusatsu Ryu.

The force pushes Chiyo Dairyu into force.

Shine and Kotomitsu decided to win by winning.

Komegumi is defeated.

The sea of ​​Sada is close to Koto Shogiku.

Taka wins for Kaisei.

Toyoyama and Toryu decided Toyoyama to win by pushing out Toyoyama.

As for Akiyama, the territory is "trapped".

Ishiura throws a lower hand to Ryuden.

The sea of ​​Oki is close to Akisaki.

Shohoyama won in the Masayo victory, and Masayo won, defending 1 loss.

Endo won the Mitake Sea by throwing the Mitake Sea well.

The eagle pushes the eagle to the Myogi dragon.

Kitakatsu Fuji was hooked on Daiei Sho by Kitakatsu Fuji.

Tochinoshin throws Tochinoshin in Tochinoshin.

Takayasu flies into Takayasu.

Kisetsu Ozeki beat Yampeng, and Kisetsu Katsu wins out in the push, losing 2 losses.

Ozeki Takara Fuji is sent to Goei Road. Kakuban's Goei road, which will be the fall of the great stake when losing, has lost seven and has no remaining.

In the first place of the sumo wrestling, Masayo and Tokatsu Ryu of Hiramaku have lost one defeat on the 10th day, followed by Takakatsu Ozeki with two losses and Toyoyama and Teruaki of the Hiramaku.