Mikaela Shiffrin won in the last Grand Prix in the World Cup. After the first ride in Sestriere, the American alpine star is "only" four after the first ride. The shiffrin is 42 hundredths of leading Italian home runner Federica Brignone, who has a 17th century margin to second Petra Vlhova, Slovakia, and 36th hundredth to Viktoria Rebensburg, Germany.

Sara Hector is eight, one second after Brignone.

Alphand dropped

Estelle Alphand went out at number 24 and finished well in the beginning, with third best time at first intermediate and second best at second intermediate, then she dropped and is in 14th place after the first race, 1.76 seconds after.

- She lost quite a lot. She had too much respect and thus she ends the turn a little too early and gets that little turning phase, unfortunately, says SVT Sports alpine expert Pernilla Wiberg.

The second race starts on 14.05.