Ksenia Shoigu can rightfully be considered the ancestor of a new sports movement for Russia - hurdling. The impetus for its development was the emergence in 2013 of the company "League of Heroes", which organizes races in extreme conditions. Over the six years of its existence, it not only acquired a huge number of followers in the country, but also entered the international level.

Shoigu is not just the head of the organization, but she also takes an active part in competitions. In addition, she recently joined the Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on the development of physical education and sports. RT presents an interview with Ksenia in a blitz format.

“At 50 you need to be charming”

- Lose weight or get fat by 15 kilograms?

- Lose weight, of course. And then eat all the tastiest that is in this world, and type again!

- A month in the Iranian desert or a year in Antarctica?

- A year in the Antarctic. Cold is nevertheless closer to me. After all, if anything, you can always warm yourself there. In the desert, there is no escape from the heat. While working in an Arab country, I realized that it is much harder to fight high temperatures.

- Jump from a bungee into the abyss or from a cliff into the water?

- The second one.

“Eat a plate of live larvae or spend an hour in a room full of snakes?”

- Spend an hour in a room full of snakes. I am not afraid of them.

- To conquer the highest peak of the world Everest or go down to the deepest point of the Earth - to the Mariana Trench?

“I would definitely choose Everest.”

- To be or not to be in 50 years as beautiful as Melania Trump?

- Not to be. At 50, you need to be charming, understand? Remain cheerful and cheerful - yes. And beautiful ... I don’t know, not everyone will like this. Yes, and Melania herself is an amateur.

  • BLITZ with Ksenia Shoigu

“I wouldn’t let my father go to the Race of Heroes”

“I would agree to run a marathon if ...”

- If nothing. I just would have agreed. This usually happens.

- Crawling in the mud, girls sometimes think about ...

- At the “Race of Heroes” we initially had 70% of men and 30% of women. Then these statistics became equal. The girls realized what kind of beautiful sports guys were nearby. Therefore, they began to literally run and crawl after them. As for me, I consider the obstacles to the end of the race. And the rest, probably, think that someone would help them. It would be more elegant to crawl.

- The most beautiful body that I have seen has ...

- My dog. True, he is all so huge, black. Tuva Shepherd Dog, a very rare breed. Chuck is just beautiful!

“I will take part in Iron Man and go to the end, only if ...”

- Now I will overcome the half in New Zealand. Then I’ll decide whether to run full Iron Man.

- If you were thrown onto a desert island without food, communications and other objects of civilization, then I would ...

- Died. What else can you do here?

- Most of all in sports annoy me ...

- Those people who do not like him.

- If your father, Sergei Shoigu, took part in the "Race of Heroes", then you would have to ...

- Do not let him go there, run away with him, hold the hands of the participants who would like to take a picture with him. There are so many different options. On the go and do not choose.

“Can you imagine that this will ever really happen?”

- I am sure that in the sports field he is now focused on participating in the Night Hockey League. Therefore, between training and main employment, he simply does not have enough time to participate in the “Race of Heroes”. But I hope that one day he will discover a similar event.