Burman finished 21st and Halfvarsson 37th in the initial 15 km of the Tour de Ski. Afterwards, they both said the race was difficult and criticized the FIS thoroughly.

- You have to be in the top five all the time and keep those investments. It's not possible otherwise, it's too crowded. There are up and down sticks all the time, you can't go back there. I think there are small sticks here and there and people crouching in. It's too narrow a track to run mass starts on, Do mm have to think about FIS, I do not understand, it is not possible, says Burman.

- It was moody out there. It was a battle for the positions and it felt like I was wrong all the time. It gets crowded when it is jerky and quite a narrow track in general, then it gets crowded. If you want to run a mass start in the beginning, you should run it in a classic style. But it's the same for everyone, but it's clear it could have become more harmonious in a classic race.

Both Burman and Halfvarsson ended up off the track.

- I was really bad out in a curve, I wasn't prepared for it to be so sharp. I've driven it before but then I haven't done it with 20 more people. Now I flew out of the track but managed to take me back, says Halfvarsson.

- In a curve I was expressed, but it went well, says Burman.

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Sergei Ustjugov won the Tour de Ski premiere