It looked clear when Saik went from 5-2 and 6-3 but Broberg from Söderhamn kept getting stuck and when Martin Söderberg reduced to 6-5 for Broberg after a huge draft from goalkeeper Henrik Rehnvall, there were nervous extra minutes added in Göransson Arena.

In the fourth and final extra minute, Albin Airisniemi grabbed the ball, circled down to his own penalty area, before turning back and going all over the pitch and punctured the match with his 7-5 goal, a goal worthy of a national team from the four-nation tournament in Åby on last weekend.

Both goalkeepers in the scoring protocol

Both goalkeepers were noted in the scoring log Joel Othén in the Saik box threw the ball all over the pitch and Lucas Widman became the sop in front of Rehnvall and could easily make 4-2.

At the start of the second half at the score 2-2, the arena was cheered when it was announced that Saik's women's team beat Skutskär by 5-2. It also became inspirational for the men's team and it became a double victory for the club this other day.