Ski Mogul World Cup Boys are Horishima Girls are both Kawamura 2nd December 8th 4:32

The ski freestyle and moguls World Cup opened in Finland, with Yukima Horishima, the boy, and Anri Kawamura, who entered the World Cup for the first time, in second place.

Mogul's opening game will be held in Luca, Finland on the 7th, and the men won the World Championship of Ototoshi, and last year ’s Pyongchang Olympic team representative Horishima scored 87.39 in the second round of the final of six players. 2nd place.

Kawamura, a 15-year-old girl, also scored 81.26 in the second round of six players and finished second in the first World Cup.

Pyongchang Olympic Gold Medal Canadian Michael Kingsbury won 90.80 for the boys, and Pyongchang Olympic Gold Medal French Perrine Lafon won 82.72 for the girls.