In the 64th minute, the super talent from Rosengård came in. And ten minutes later she showed exactly why she is Sweden's hope in the football sky when she was behind the 1-3 goal with an elegant lobby against the world champions, a presentation of the highest class against the very best team in the world.

- I was a little nervous but then when I came out on the pitch it was just playing and then everything was released, she tells SVT Sport.

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Anna Anvegård became a two-goal shooter against the United States. Photo: Photo Agency

Anvegård: "Will be the starting player in the national team"

Afterwards she was praised by Anvegård, a clubmate in Rosengård.

- Really good players, incredibly good technology and understanding of games. The first thing she does is to tunnel a player and lob one in so we can do 1-3. I play with her in Rosengård. You get to see every day at the trainings that she will be one of the best in the world, says Anvegård and continues:

- You should not put too much pressure on her but give her a couple of years, I definitely think she will be a starter in the national team. And she will not stay in Sweden for long.

Anvegård and Bennison lifted Sweden

It was a completely different Sweden with her and Anvegård on the pitch. Before, Sweden was 0-3, but in the final quarter they could score two goals and look good at the numbers.

- I think we do a much better second half. It is nevertheless nice that we can play evenly with the best in the world, says Anvegård.