After nearly a year of boycott and declared differences, the head of the Saudi entertainment authority Turki Al-Sheikh visited the head of the Egyptian Al-Ahly club Mahmoud Al-Khatib at his home on the outskirts of Cairo, announcing the beginning of a new page with the Red Fort.

Al-Sheikh, who held the honorary presidency of Al-Ahli club until the summer of last year, was keen on documenting the visit with some pictures that he published through his official Facebook account, describing Khatib as his big brother, Captain, and was keen to kiss him more than once.

Al-Khatib responded to Al-Sheikh's visit with an official statement published on the club's official Facebook account, expressing "his deep appreciation and appreciation for the visit of Al-Sheikh and his interest in reassuring his health, whether through the official delegation that attended a few days ago, or his presence himself."

Some considered the Al-Sheikh's keenness on this visit and the publication of its images accepting Khatib, who until recently was attacked by him and the board of directors of Al-Ahli implicit apology from the Saudi official and his desire to return the water to its streams, while others saw that it came from the door of plot and teasing Zamalek club and its fans However, some saw the publication of his pictures accepting Khatib in this way as an insult to Al-Ahli Club.

The same person, I am Shayflh tweets Kid Nsa, God, in the days of what was all Egypt talking about the National Council Rayh Jay, people forget quickly and God, and you have the right to change your club, but the difference between our minds and Joanna and Joaak big Ui, most of us do not meet and not satisfied Tzizkm Elly public, but you were Btaarona?

- ~ € nG * • M.Š (@ 3amO_7azOomBoL) November 4, 2019

Turki Al-Sheikh concluded the Riyadh season in Saudi Arabia, the face of Egypt to make us laugh season .. Entertainment Entertainment means no words

- Abdel Abdelkader Said (@abdelkadr_saeid) November 4, 2019

- Rovana Talaat -Rovana🇪🇬 (@RovanaTalaat) November 4, 2019

Official and implicit apology

- Abdel Abdelkader Said (@abdelkadr_saeid) November 4, 2019

With reconciliation with Turkey in the way that it is fit Akl Elly Akh in the imprisonment of people Malhash guilt, but not with the return enters again P deals
I believe that Khatib is intelligent and not Heglt same mistake Tani

- El-Obaha (@ ahmadonsi95) November 5, 2019