The tournament's points and shooter king presented themselves immediately. Four minutes into the first period, Jonathan Lekkerimäki set the match's first goal to his Södermanland.

After carving Småland in the middle zone, the forward turned the puck, stepped into the attack zone and pressed the puck into the cross.

And although Småland started the period best, it was Södermanland who again got to cheer. After a pass from goalie Lekkerimäki, Noah Östlund was able to show off his fine wrists when he came free with goalkeeper Noah Erliden. A chilly finish and 2-0 to Södermanland.

"It was as good as it can be"

The collaboration then continued between Lekkerimäki and Östlund. The latter accounted for a masterful pass to the teammate and Lekkerimäki could then put 3-0 from the drawing circle in numerical superior.

- I dribbled once and then he disappeared from the firing line, so it was just shooting, says two-goal shooter Lekkerimäki to SVT Sport.

Andreas Wagner then set the final score to 4-0 after goals in open box and goalkeeper Leo Matthiesen had to keep zero.

- It was as good as it can be, says Matthiesen about his own efforts.