Captain Marcus Danielson brought Lennart Johansson's trophy in his hands and the dark night was lit by orange Bengals that the fans lit.

- The bus trip was fantastic. We've been singing hoarse, lost our voice already, but we'll probably be able to find some shape for it tonight, "Kevin Walker told SVT Sport.

Buya Turay, who fixed the gold by bumping 2-2 with the narrow leg against Norrköping, was happy but shy. He doesn't like to party and had almost a bad conscience.

Turay: "Everyone wants to see me at home now"

- I don't know how to celebrate, I only follow the guys but maybe I will return home, everyone wants to see me at home now. That will probably be my plan, ”says the 24-year-old Sierra Leonean striker, who also won the shooting league.

- I need to rest now, I'm not a party guy and never go out. I feel so sad, says Turay smiling while the victory songs echo at Fotografiska in Stockholm.