Golden State has played five straight NBA Finals but started the season very weak with three losses in four games.

An already tough match got even worse as Curry ended up in a third-period bout with severe pain during a Phoenix player in yesterday's 110-121 loss.

A longer rehab was feared and now the verdict has come: At least three months. Curry underwent surgery today on the inner joint of the left index finger and although the rehab will take time, he is expected to be fully restored, according to AP.

Curry uses the right hand to shoot.

Expected to play in February

If the schedule holds, Curry is expected to be able to play again in early February and Golden State fans have hopes that he will be able to play the last 30 games of the base series.

Without knee injuries Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant, who have moved to Brooklyn, Golden State is put under great pressure without Curry. On Thursday, coach Steve Kerr spent a crisis meeting with the team on how to deal with the difficult situation that has arisen.

- It is an excellent opportunity for the young players to step forward, but it can also be a little too much. But we have nothing to choose from with all injuries, says Kerr.

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Basketball conflict - what is it about?