Jon Lee-Olsen chose yesterday to come out as gay, in a TV interview on Danish TV2. Lee-Olsen is the first openly gay man in Danish elite sports.

- There is a risk that some people will scream at me when I play matches. You have to be prepared for it and it requires maturity. But I feel that I am ready to show that you can easily be gay and play ice hockey, ”he says.

Shall curb the hatred

After Lee-Olsen's interview, the Danish senior league, where he plays everyday, has chosen to support him by reminding the league's clubs that homophobia is not welcome at the matches.

In an email that according to TV2 was sent to all the clubs in the league, Metal Ligaen, league manager Kim Pedersen writes how to work to curb hatred.

- When one of our players in the Metal League tonight came out publicly as gay, it is his place to refresh the memory, he writes.

"Know that they have my back"

If homophobic calls are heard during the match, it should be interrupted. If the rope continues, the stand section where the rope is deemed to come from can be emptied before the match resumes. If the referee chooses to report the incident, the home team may also be fined up to 20,000 Danish kronor and play in front of empty stands.

Jon Lee-Olsen welcomes the email.

- The fact that they go out and say that they will not tolerate any such calls also makes it easier for me because I know they have my back if something happens, he tells TV2.