Stressed she had to redo the jump and managed it to a huge cheer a short while later. She started her jumping already when it was 45 seconds left. She just pulled away. 4.80 is an improvement of her Swedish outdoor record by four centimeters.

- It's one of the most impressive achievements I've seen in my entire life. I had never been able to, she is so mentally strong, you can't train for it, says Armand Duplantis.

It was an effort that attracted audiences and experts.

- How is that possible? And whatever hope she makes, it is the best hope she makes in her entire career, ”Kajsa Bergqvist roars.

- It's the worst I've seen, SVT's commentator Jakob Hård agrees.

Coach Peter Widén tried to keep track of what was happening and how to act.

- When the rod goes off you get one more try. She can't find the rod she wants to jump with. It's chaos now, her coach Peter Widén told SVT Sport before the fourth successful attempt.