When Norwegian cross-country skier Petter Northug visited Skavlan, which was broadcast in SVT last Friday, he took the opportunity to answer a whole lot of questions. And of course the topic "Swedish skiing" came up on the wallpaper.

In a clip on social media, Fredrik Skavlan asks what the Norwegian would choose if he was forced to choose between training Norway's national team but always losing, or training Sweden and winning everything.

Perhaps the answer shows that Petter Northug likes to win so much that he can overcome his disdain for his neighbor.

- The Swedish national team and always win, says Northug.

Invites Northug to apply

However, Fredrik Skavlan wonders if the big question is not whether the Swedish national team wants Northug as coach.

- They certainly don't want to, but I recommend them if I say so, says Petter Northug.

However, when the ski association now seeks a new length manager, the union director Ola Strömberg is much more positive than Northug seemed to think.

- He is not one of our names yet, but he is happy to search!


Northug's play: They should have me as a coach Photo: Nils Jakobsson / Bildbyrån