“I want to go up to Ozeki early” Mitake Sea meets September 23, 12:01

Sekiwaki Gyokai, who won the championship for the second time at the sumo wrestling location, met in Tokyo on the 23rd of the night from Chiaki Raku and expressed his aspirations.

In Sumo Akiho, Sekiwaki Gyokai had a strong push, and at Chiaki Raku won the championship match against Takashige Sekiwaki, who was lined in 3 losses, and won the second victory for the first time in 7 places.

On the 23rd of the night from Chiaki Raku, Mitake Kai met in the Dewakai room in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. “I was excited and I couldn't sleep. I focused on sumo wrestling while feeling the feelings of the people who support me, "he said.

On top of that, he recalled that his normal feeling led to his second victory, “I was more conscious of taking a double digit than usual. The victory was not so much conscious and only thought of extending the stars.” It was.

When asked about the motivation to promote Ozeki, Mitake Kai said, “While it was said to go up to Ozeki and go up, there was also a regrettable feeling that Kikkei Katsunose went through Ozeki first. I want to continue what I have done so far and think about how I spend my private life, traveling, and practice. "