There have been several dropouts from heavy items linked to the cross country team in recent months. The first to leave was national team manager Rikard Grip, who left in late March. Subsequently, another four persons have left (see fact box). The most recent was the head of the cross country team Jonas Peterson who on Saturday, four months after he took office, was allowed to leave the job.

The decision to dispose of Peterson was criticized by national team skater Viktor Thorn.

- He has my support anyway. I think it's badly handled by the union, Thorn told SVT Sport on Saturday night.

Blomquist: "Complex"

SVT's length expert Anders Blomquist says the issue is complex.

- In addition, it is a big union. Ideal forces in the youth business must meet with the professional where it is about being the best in the world. In this case, when all management functions have been replaced at short notice, the grip has been dropped altogether. It is incredibly badly handled by the management to let it go so far and so close into the season.

What does this say about the state of the ski association right now?

- Obviously, that's not true. The picture that they showed in the last six months is not really accurate. You have problems with key functions and directing the business towards the goals they have set. First and foremost, it is the responsibility of the Federal Director (Ola Strömberg) to ensure that this is done in a good way, in the second place the Chairman of the Board (Karin Mattsson Weijber). In this case, I feel that they have lost their grip.

When did the breaking point where it faces, as you see it, wrong direction?

- Already in the spring, many rumors and evaluations were shaky that dragged on over time. It felt like they were losing grip already. No clarity or will was signaled.

An emergency solution

Blomquist also thinks it is of the utmost importance to develop the gentlemen. He also says he hopes it will not affect the riders.

Replacement for Peterson will be Karin Ersson and Lars Selin. Two competent tiles in the union, but still no optimal solution.

- This is a panic solution. There are good people in the business and they are ready to do a good job. But that does not change that it is a panic solution and there is no criticism of neither Karin nor Lars, says Blomquist.