
Ace Kim Kwang-hyun, pitcher of the professional baseball SK, who is having a '2nd heyday', also won 15 seasons in nine years with a scoreless score.

I'm Lee Sung-hoon.


Kim Kwang-hyun was caught in a two-out full-base crisis after struggling with an unprecedented helm and narrow strike zone.

Here, Min Byung Hun handled the ball, turned off the fire, and immediately regained the ace's greatness.

He struck out the Lotte batting line with a strikeout show from the 2nd.

With seven strikeouts six times, he has scored three hits with no losses and has won 15 seasons in nine years since 2010.

The best big success came from SK.

On the 1st and 34th day, he broke the home run silence and struck out three hits and three RBIs, starting with Season 23's first two-run arch and chasing two home runs in front of Kium's Sands.

The defensive showcased a great diving catch and led the team to escape their third straight season.


The lowest Lotte lost 4 straight games.


NC beat Doosan and secured fifth place in the first place thanks to starting Luchinsky's first full-flight in Korea.


The sixth-place kt, who is pursuing the NC in half a game, ran five consecutive wins after starting pitching with a pitching pitcher.

KT Kang Baek-ho hit the No. 1 solo homer in the third season and kept the first place with a season average batting of 3.5 percent.


LG won two consecutive wins in the KIA with a hit by Oh Ji-hwan and Lee Hyung-jong, who combined the starter Wilson's seven innings without a hit and six hits and seven RBIs.


Samsung's new foreign pitcher, Lively, has struck out 12 strikeouts up to 9 times in Hanwha, making four hits and a scoreless runner-up to make his first Korean stage win.