It was in March that 28 American players, the entire World Cup team, sued the union for discrimination in terms of wages, medical assistance, training conditions, travel conditions, and marketing of matches. It is a conflict that has been going on for several years.

The players with stars such as Megan Rapinoe, Carli Lloyd and Alex Morgan at the forefront regret that they receive lower compensation than the players in the American men's team despite being superior in terms of credit.

The president of the American Football Association, Carlos Cordeiro, was "shocked" by the American women's national team having sued the union.

Can go up in court

Talks started with the hope of mediation between the union and the national team, but now the message comes that the talks have broken down. Molly Levinson, who represents the players, said in a statement that she looks forward to going to court.

“We entered this week's talks with representatives from the American Football Association, full of hope of reaching a solution. But today, we must conclude that we end the talks deeply disappointed that the union still chooses to maintain a basic discriminatory workplace and behavior. "

The union said in a statement that they had hoped to reach a solution, but at the same time accused the players of an "aggressive and unproductive attitude".