At the golf club of Osaka Tsuchi High School in Oita City, Osaka Prefecture, it was found that men's golfing played golf and senior students were using violence against lower grade students.

According to the school, during the period from July 2017 to March this year, all eight boys at the time were playing multiple times, betting one hundred yen each time during practice. In the meantime, five second-year students were wielding violence such as "shoulder bread" which repeatedly hits the shoulder to one year-old student. Although there was no injury in this first-year student, he said that he voluntarily withdrew. I found out that the school heard the members in March. Taking careful of the leaders, we dismissed five members for 12 days. I reported the circumstances to Osaka Prefectural Education Department Private School Section.

Principal Satoru Imada said "I should never happen again, I want to work on preventing reoccurrence."

The school golf club is a national competition regular, and OB has professional golfer Miyazato Yusaku and Seiji player.