Shimane Got the full picture of flood damage on the river The city surveyed 12:41 on July 15

The city of Gotsu, which has been confirmed to have been flooded in a wide area after the flood of the Enogawa River that flows through the western part of Shimane Prefecture, has begun field surveys so that city officials can grasp the full extent of the damage.

In Sakurae-cho, Gotsu City, inundation of houses and fields was confirmed over a wide area due to the flooding of the Enogawa River, but the damage has not been clarified because the water has not drawn.

Against this backdrop, Gotsu City's staff members entered Sakurae Town in the morning and started an investigation to check the detailed damage status of farmland and roads.

Among these, in the Tazu area where the road was inaccessible until the 14th, due to the road being flooded, city officials measured the depth of the mud and took pictures of the damage in the fields of burdock farmers while taking pictures. I was confirming.

According to a farmer man, all about 6 hectares of land were flooded and most burdock trees could not be shipped.

Mr. Takayuki Tanda, a burdock farmer, said, “The burdock was almost destroyed because of the heavy rains in western Japan two years ago. I don't think that a flood of once every few decades will occur in two years. I was worried about what to do in the future."

Deputy Director Yamamoto Kuniyoshi of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Division of Gotsu City, who conducted the survey, said, "We would like to clarify the full extent of the damage and provide support so that the farmers can re-emerge even as a city."