Heavy rains and widespread widespread death in China 132 people National media July 9 1:31

In China, heavy rain continues in a wide area, especially in the Yangtze River basin, and state media reports that the total number of dead and missing people due to this heavy rain is 132 in each region.

In China, heavy rains have continued intermittently over a wide area, mainly in the Yangtze River basin, such as Anhui and Jiangxi provinces in the inland area, and Zhejiang province in the eastern area, causing damage such as landslides and flooding.

State-owned Chugoku Chugoku Television reported that 132 people were killed and missing from the heavy rain confirmed by the morning of the 8th.

On the 8th, in central Huangoka, Hubei Province, where heavy rains fell, the slopes of the mountains collapsed and the earth and sand flowed into seven houses, and the disappearance of nine people was lost. I'm telling you.

In Hinooka, the road was flooded and more than 570 university students were unable to leave the dormitory, and the authorities rescued them with a large construction machine and sent them to the test site.

In addition, the Three Gorges Dam in the Yangtze River basin has increased its water storage capacity and prepared for future rain by releasing the first water on the 29th of last month. I am told.

Chinese weather officials have called for caution over the next few days, as heavy rains could continue over a wide area.