Sakurajima, Kagoshima "Potential for large-scale explosion" Volcanic Prediction Federation views June 30 19:23

Regarding Sakurajima in Kagoshima City, the Volcanic Eruption Prediction Liaison Group summarized the view that "a large-scale explosion may occur at the Minamidake summit crater in the future."

The experts' volcanic eruption prediction liaison meeting held a regular meeting on the 30th to discuss the activities of Sakurajima in Kagoshima City.

Eruption activity has become active again since September last year at the Minamidake summit crater in Sakurajima. Explosive eruptions occurred 65 times this January, but are on the decline, 14 in April and 24 in May.

On the other hand, the amount of volcanic ash ejected is estimated to be about 230,000 tons in January and about 280,000 tons in April, which is about the same level.

Volcanic eruption prediction liaison meeting said, "Although the number of explosions is decreasing at the Minamidake summit crater, there is no significant change in the amount of volcanic ash eruption. The scale of the explosion tends to increase, and a large-scale explosion will occur in the future. There is a possibility".

The Japan Meteorological Agency has continued the eruption warning level "3", which indicates "climbing restrictions," and calls for warning of large volcanic blocks and pyroclastic flows within a range of approximately 2 kilometers from the Minamidake summit crater and the Showa crater.

On Sakurajima, the explosive eruption on June 4th caused large volcanic blocks to be scattered over 3 kilometers, which exceeds the level 3 warning range. Pay close attention to changes in volcanic activity.