Typhoon 19 Fall Salmon Capture Facility Damaged Iwate Ofunato October 16th 5:23

In Iwate Prefecture, the salmon run-up season will begin, but the typhoon No. 19 is causing damage to salmon capture facilities.

Every year at this point, about 1 km from the mouth of the Morikawa River that flows through Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture, nets are set up in the river to raise fry that captures the salmon from the upstream, lays eggs, and releases them.

However, due to driftwood and earth and sand that flowed from the upstream due to heavy rain of Typhoon No. 19, the iron pipes that support the net are bent greatly, making it impossible to capture salmon.

The fishery cooperative is working to restore the facility, but it will take at least a week before salmon can be captured.

In addition, in Iwate Prefecture, salmon capture facilities are also damaged in the Kesen River, which flows through Rikuzentakata City.

Yuya Sato, Director of the Morikawa Fishery Cooperative, said, “Every year, every time a typhoon came, we were prepared for damage, but this is the first time that the water level has risen so far. I have to do my best as much as possible. "