Senet, an Egyptian game, is the oldest game dated back to 1300 BC. This discovery was the beginning of the new world civilization of gaming. Gaming in Canada is dated many years back. The gaming industry in Canada has undergone a considerable transformation over the years. The first console set its foot in 1983 in Canada, and the people loved playing it. 

Developers have since then appreciated the significant role of technology in the gaming world. Technology has changed the gaming world a great deal to the extent that many gamers have blurred the line between fantasy and reality. Games are now being used for educational purposes other than just for entertainment purposes. Below is a discussion on how technology has impacted the game.

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3D Graphics

Online games in the 90s and early 2000 had text-based technology and were based on 2D graphics. The invention of three-dimension graphics and other special effects made games close the margin between reality and fantasy. Three-dimension graphics built instruments that enhanced realistic features and enabled interactions between objects; the well-designed practical details would allow players to get more immersed in online gaming. We can now see niches such as online casinos introducing 3D online slot machines, and video poker with amazing graphics.

Games connect people

Developers have produced games that can be played in groups like Call of Duty, making a social event that brings people together. Technology advancement has enabled people to play with their friends virtually at any moment. Players can join and undertake a mission together regardless of where a player is.

Mobile gaming

The scope of the gaming industry has massively increased with the intervention of the internet. Technology has enabled the gaming industry to expand to smartphones and mobile gaming. Gaming has been convenient and more popular with these smartphones and mobile app games. 

Using their gadgets, players will be able to access a variety of mobile casinos that are available online, all of which can be found and easily accessed in this recent post. Most people are easily attracted to easy games that are fun to play, like those offered on smartphones.


Hyperreality enables players to enjoy a magical experience that blends physical reality and virtual reality. Players will see in their headsets just like in virtual reality, but the main difference is that whatever players see in the headset responds to the physical universe. Players can feel objects and run around the space of the room. The interaction between virtual and physical reality submerges players uniquely into the gaming experience.

Safer modes of payments

App stores development now enables players to transact their monies without identity being revealed. We now have digital security systems that ensure scams like money laundering are eliminated. Cryptocurrency mode of payment allows safer transactions as all that is needed is a wallet address and the transactions are protected through cryptography.

Virtual and augmented reality

Virtual reality is basically where a player is completely immersed in a simulation supporting three-dimension graphics of photorealism, while augmented reality is imposing computer-generated graphics into the real world. The invention of virtual reality and augmented reality has been one of the most notable technological advancements in the gaming industry. Players can wear virtual reality headsets which submerge them in the immersive gaming world. The invention of VR and AR feels like the beginning of a completely different gaming world. Gamers anticipate more advances, and we are yet to see more.

Cloud-based technology

This technology was a game-changer in the online gaming world. Cloud-based technology allows players to play their exciting games without having to buy gaming consoles or even download heavy applications on their computers. Players can easily access a computer remotely and play games without any problem.

Technology has impacted the Canadian gaming industry a great deal, and we are yet to see more.