Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels made a full appearance in the White Sox game on the 14th, but was a no-hitter with 4 at bats.

On the 14th, Otani started in the White Sox game in Chicago, the home of his opponent, as a second-designated hitter, and in the first at-bat, he struck out a fastball with a high in-course.

The 2nd at bat in the 4th inning missed a fastball with a low in-course and struck out, the 3rd at bat in the 5th inning was a walk, the 4th at bat in the 7th inning was a third goro, and the 5th at bat in the 9th inning was a one-bound out course. I struck out the curve and struck out.

Otani did not hit 4 at bats, 3 strikeouts, and 1 foreball for the first time in 5 games, and his batting average was 20%, 5 minutes and 7 minutes.

Angels lost 3-9.

In the home run championship battle, which is drawing attention as to whether Otani will win the title, Perez of the Royals hit No. 43 three-run in the athletics game, approaching Otani by one.

The Blue Jays' Guerrero Jr., who took the lead on the previous day, and Perez, who was in 3rd place, were two behind, and the American League home run championship was a big battle.