
Not only the prosecution but also the police are speeding up the investigation into the allegation of development of Daejang-dong. Representatives of Cheonhwa-dongin No. 6, who received a dividend of more than 1,000 times the investment, and a close aide to the arrested former general manager Yoo Dong-gyu were each summoned as suspects and investigated.

More details are provided by reporter Suwon-wook.


One person summoned and investigated by the Gyeonggi Nambu Police Agency is Cho Hyun-seong, CEO of Cheonhwa-dongin No. 6, an affiliated company of Hwacheon Daeyu.

Lawyer Cho is known to have played a key role in Hwacheon Daewoo's early raising of seed money.

It is known that the prosecution has not yet summoned Attorney Cho, but the police have called and investigated first.

The police also summoned lawyer Jeong Min-yong, who was deeply involved in the selection of the Daejang-dong business.

Attorney Jung entered Seongnam Urban Development Corporation through the introduction of his best friend, Attorney Nam Wook, and worked as an aide to former general manager Yoo Dong-gyu.

Police said they were both suspects with criminal charges.

It is said that punishment will be considered depending on the results of the investigation, but in a situation where the prosecution's investigation is focused on the investigation of former general manager Yoo, Mr.

A police official said the prosecution and the police are in the process of investigating the facts as planned, respectively.

Nevertheless, there is also a concern that the prosecution and police may divide and investigate the key people competitively, which may cause confusion in the investigation.

As if conscious of these concerns, today (19th), the head of the prosecution and police investigation team met to discuss close cooperation.

According to the results of the consultation, the police also decided to immediately turn over the investigation into the case of Kwak Sang-do's son receiving 5 billion won, which was ongoing at the same time, to the prosecution.

(Video editing: Kim Jong-tae)