Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels scored two hits, including a timely two-base, and one RBI in the Astros game on the 23rd, marking the sixth hit of the season.

Otani started in the Astros game in his opponent's hometown of Houston as the second designated hitter, and in the first at-bat, which was greeted with no-out first base, he carried it to the center while being stuck in the fastball of the internal angle. I expanded my chances with a hit for the first time in a match.

In addition, he decided to steal the third base this season to the second base, making a total of 32 stolen bases in the fourth year of the major leagues.

With this, the total number of stolen bases in the major leagues is 6th in the history of Japanese players, along with Akinori Iwamura who was active in the raise.

The second at-bat in the third inning was a missed strikeout, but in the third at-bat, which was greeted with a 0-0 5th inning, 1 out, 1st base and 3rd base, he caught the high fastball of the first ball and shot a sharp hit on the light line. He scored the first goal with a timely two-base hit.

The fourth at bat in the 7th inning was the first grounder.

After this, the game went into an extension with 2 to 2, and in the 10th inning of the tiebreaker starting from no-out second base, and immediately after Angels won one point, Otani got the fifth at bat in the scene of no-out second base. However, this was a strikeout.

Otani marked the sixth multiple hits of the season with 2 hits and 1 RBI in 5 at bats and 1 stolen base, and his batting average rose to 20%, 9 minutes and 4 RBIs.

In the match, Angels lost 10 times in a row, losing goodbye 4 to 5 and losing 3 consecutive games.